Five Nights At Freddys Troll Game Version 1

FnaF 3 Troll Game Version 1 Screenshot

This is a copy of version 1 of the FNaF 3 troll game. Version 1 contains the song "I Am Very Glad, as I'm Finally Returning Back Home" as performed by Eduard Khil. This song is otherwise known as the "Troll song" or "Trololol". Version 2 removes this song for copyright reasons, and replaces it with a royalty-free song. This troll game is a reskinned version of "There Is No Pause Button" a game released several years earlier by Scott. This reskin adds a custom menu, and adds a freddy head to the game's main character.


SHA-256 HASH: e420e033681183c76d353d88d48a0f2c9618c3f47665c2bae901deadb43e64b5

PLEASE NOTE: In some cases an antivirus might detect this as a virus. This is a false positive! It is not malicious in any way. If your antivirus is not allowing you to run it or is automatically deleting it, please try whitelisting it.

This game only supports Windows. If you are using it with another operating system, try using it with Wine. Compatibility is not guaranteed.