Five Nights at Freddy's AR: Special Delivery Reddit Descriptions

In the leadup to it's official announcement, the reddit account "5541ggnik001" teased the game. As part of this, the account changed it's profile description several times.

September 6th: "Shhh. We're getting closer. Closer. Clo5Er. clos # r. rrrr. r ... I can hear you br # 4thing. Thi5 will be fun ,,,"

September 8th: "1t's reAl. 1t's hAppen1ng. shhh. we're gett1ng closer. closer. closer. clos#r. rrrr. r... 1 can hear you br#Ath1ng. th1s w1ll be fun,,,"

September 9th: "shhh. what gam2 do you think you ar2 playing? w2'r# g2tting clos2r. clos2r. clos2r. clos#r. rrrr. r... i can h2ar you br#athing. this will b2 FFFFun,,,"

September 10th: "shhh. w#'r3 g#TTing clos3r. clos3r. clos#r. clos#r. rrrr. r... i'''m waTching you. i can h3ar you br3aThing. This will b3 fun,,,"

September 11th: "shhh. we're getting clOser. clOser. clOser. clOs#r. rrrr. r... i c4n he4r yOu br#4thing. if yOu 4re v#ry quiet, m4ybe i will nOt find yOu. this will b# fun,,,"

September 12th: "5hhh. we're gettiNg clo5er. clo5er. clo5er. clo5#r. rrrr. r... i caN hear you br#athiNg. thi5 will be fuN,,,i've be#N liviNg iN the 5hadow5555.,,,"

September 13th: "shhh. do you ev#r plAy make believe? pr#tend to be one way when you are rrrr. r... really the otheR? this will b# fun,,,"

5541ggnik001 also made some comments in reply to speculations regarding FNaF AR. These comments can be seen on it's profile.

Descriptions from this thread on Reddit by TheFreddyChannel!